
Guidelines for authors

Articles can be submitted electronically to the editor:
or vaiosvaiop@phil.uoa.gr

Guidelines for authors

The Editorial Board of Mediterranean Chronicle welcomes articles to be considered for publication provided they match the following criteria:
–the texts should be original;
–the subject must be related to culture/s in the Mediterranean World;
–articles should follow the journal's citation style;
–each article should include a 200-words abstract in English;
–articles must include some keywords in English.


Contributions are welcome in one of the following languages: French, Greek, Italian, English, Portuguese, Spanish.

Topics: Humanities, History, Archaeology, Classics.


The editors will not return originals, but all authors will be informed about the publication decision and of any suggestions made by the Scientific Committee. 
Articles can be submitted electronically to the editor: 
vaiosvaiopoulos@gmail.com or vvaiop@ionio.gr


Citation Style:

The following guidelines should be taken as general rules intended to ensure the uniformity of the journal¢s style, always having in view easy reference identification. In any case, authors will be allowed to include a final bibliographical list.

1. Citing books
 –Theodore D. Papanghelis, Propertius: a Hellenistic poet on love and death, Cambridge – London – New York – New Rochelle – Melbourne – Sydney 1987, p. 85 (or pp. 85-95).

Please do not use abbreviated forms of numbers: 116-117, not 116-7. Please, for numbers do not use” –“. I.e.: 116-117 and not 116–117.
Alternatively, an abbreviated style, following the first citation, can be used:
–Papanghelis, op. cit., p. 85 or pp. 85-95
–Papanghelis, Propertius: a Hellenistic poet…, p. 85 or pp. 85-95.

2. Citing articles
–David F. Bright, “A Tibullan Odyssey”, Arethusa 4 (1971) 204-205.
–Antonio La Penna, “Brevi considerazioni sulla divinizzazione degli eroi e sul canone degli eroi divinizzati”, Hommages à Henri Le Bonniec, Res Sacrae, Publiés avec l¢aide de l¢Université de Paris-Sorbonne par D. Porte et J.-P. Néraudau, Collection Latomus, Volume 201, Bruxelles 1988, pp. 275-287.
For journal abbreviations authors should refer, whenever possible, to L¢Année Philologique.

3. Citing ancient authors 
–For Greek authors, the abbreviations used by Liddell–Scott–Jones in A Greek-English Lexicon should be followed.
–For Latin authors the Oxford Latin Dictionary should be followed.
–No Roman numerals should be used.
Hom. Od. 2.4; Cic. Phil. 2.20; Plin. Nat. 9.106.

4. Authors are also invited to consider the following general guidelines:
a. Italics should be used for the citation of ancient Greek and Latin texts and their translations, for titles of all ancient works, for titles of modern secondary sources and for titles of journals or essay collections.
b. Italics should not be used for Latin abbreviations (op. cit., loc. cit., cf., ibid.).
c. Articles should be submitted in MS Word format. When approved, authors may be asked to send their paper transformed in PDF format. This is a safety valve that prohibits the loss of eventual special characters and/or non-Latin words contained in the paper. 
d. An abstract in English of approximately 200 words should be included after the name(s) of the author(s).  
e. Notes at the bottom of the page, numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers. From the menu "Insert" choose the command "Notes". 
f. Diagrams and/or figures must be included within the main body of the text. 
g. At the end of the paper and before bibliography leave a double paragraph break and write the author(s) name(s), affiliation and e-mail address.  
h. At the end of the Bibliography leave a double paragraph break and write a short bio-sketch (in English) of about 90 words.

i. Please, do not use the tab-key.


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