
Mediterranean Chronicle 8 (2018)

This Volume is separated into two parts: the first one, titled War and Conflict in the Mediterranean

Sea, comprises papers with a common subject. The selection of the papers (submitted
to double reading as all papers submitted to the journal), and the initial editing
were by Georgios Theotokis, Aysel Yildiz, and Abdulmennan Mehmet Altintaş. The
final editing of the texts was made by the Editor of the Journal, Vaios Vaiopoulos, with
the contribution of Paolo Scirpo.
The second part of the Volume publishes the papers submitted to the journal according
to the usual procedure of double reading. These articles are published according to the
chronological order of their subjects, as is the usual practice for the Journal. The editing
of this section was made by the Editor of the Journal, Vaios Vaiopoulos, with the contribution of Paolo Scirpo at the final stage.


Part I. War and Conflict in the Mediterranean Sea. Edited by Georgios Theotokis,
Aysel Yildiz, and Abdulmennan Mehmet Altintaş
Introduction by Georgios Theotokis, Aysel Yildiz..................................................................7
A. Naval Technology and Warfare
1. Philip Line: Galley Wars north and south: some observations on the tactics
employed in battles between oared ships in the High Middle Ages, 1000-1300..... 15
2. Konstantinos Karatolios: Greek fire, reconsidering a terrifying Byzantine weapon....37
3. Abdulmennan Mehmet Altintaş: Transition of War and Ship Materials between
the Mediterranean and Egypt-Red Sea during the 16th and 17th Centuries........51
4. Gerassimos D. Pagratis: War at sea and trade routes in the Mediterranean
during the Napoleonic period through the reports of Septinsular Republic’s
diplomatic representatives........................................................................................... 67
B. Military Organization and Warfare
5. Med Lakhdar Oulmi: The evolution of the defensive system of the Aurès
(VIII-XII century)........................................................................................................... 83
6. Georgios Theotokis and Aysel Yildiz: Diffusion of military knowledge
in the 17th century Ottoman Empire: the case of Esirî Hasan Ağa’s
“Advices to Commanders and Soldiers”..................................................................105
C. Warfare and Society
7. Juho Wilksman: The rabble: Attitudes towards the armed commoners
and using them in late Byzantine and early Ottoman armies...............................143
8. Efi Argyrou and Sevasti Lazari: The military elite as factor of identity in the Ionian
border between the Venetian and the Ottoman State: Lefkada, 1684-1797................159
9. Andriy Posun'ko: The Splintered Communities: Refugees, Mercenaries,
and Irregulars in the Russian-Ottoman Wars 1806–1812 and 1828-1829.............183
Part II. Edited by Vaios Vaiopoulos
10. Βασίλειος Δημογλίδης: Όψεις θεατρικής αυτοαναφορικότητας
στην Πάροδο του Ίωνα του Ευριπίδη. Μια πιθανή περίπτωση
«παρασατυρικής» παραπεμπτικότητας................................................................207
11. Στέλλα Αλέκου: Ο νομικός λόγος στην Επιστολή της Μήδειας
(Οβιδίου, Ηρωίδες 12).................................................................................................239
12. Antonio Aste: L’Edipo di Seneca: l’angosciosa solitudine del regnum (1-292).......251
13. Luigi Andrea Berto: Riscrivere e colmare i vuoti della storia dei musulmani
e dei cristiani nell’alto Medioevo italiano nei testi narrativi medievali...............259
14. Federico Martino: «Soldati ottomani in un accampamento»:
un dipinto del settecento tra realismo e allusione.................................................. 285
15. Vassiliki E. Vassiloudi and Theodora D. Patrona: Childhood Representations
and Subjectivity in Stratis Haviaras’s When the Tree Sings and The Heroic Age....... 311
16. Book reviews................................................................................................................ 327
17. Guidelines for authors................................................................................................ 341


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