
Mediterranean Chronicle 5 (2015)

 Benigno Casale: Ricordo di un maestro.............................................................................5

Liana Lomiento: Silence in commendation.
Reflections on the figures of the unsaid in Pindar¶s victory odes................................17
Χρύσα Εὐστ. Ἀλεξοπούλου: «Μήδεια, βουλεύουσα καί τεχνωμένη» (Μήδ. 402)............39
Dimitrios Mantzilas: “As Easily as a Fox Eats a Pear” (Plaut., Most. 559):
a Homoerotic Pun........................................................................................................51
Vasileios Pappas: Greeks are bad after all? Cicero¶s opinions in Pro Flacco.................67
Ioannis Deligiannis: Spatiotemporal and Scenic Images
in Cicero¶s political dialogues: Function and Depictions...........................................99
Gerasimos Faraklos: Milo, Byrrhena and Pythias under the mask
of Lucius¶ father, mother and master .........................................................................121
Daniela Santoro: Il tesoriere e i poveri. La fondazione quattrocentesca
dell'ospedale di Santa Maria di Monserrato a Messina ...........................................131
Salvatore Marino: Late Medieval Hospitals in Southern Italy.
Civic Patronage, and Social identity.........................................................................141
Rosamaria Alibrandi: The Cultural and Political Impact of Visits to Sicily
based on British Grand Tour Accounts (xvii-xix centuries) ......................................161
Céline Xicola Mutos: El cólera en Girona. La epidemia de 1834.................................177
D. Anoyatis-Pelé, Io. Athanasopoulou, C. Tsiamis:
Demographic and Medical Study of the Nosological Spectrum
of Greek Refugees from Southern Russia (1919-1920) .............................................197
Stella Alekou: Ancient Echoes of Gendered Phobias
in 19th Century Europe and the Cypriot Press .........................................................213
Sapfo Mortaki: Intercultural references: Τhe influence of the Mediterranean
on the work of Constantine Andreou, artist of the Greek Diaspora..........................245
Book reviews. Shorter notes ..........................................................................................263
Guidelines for authors....................................................................................................275


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